How to decorate a living room

How to decorate a living room. The holiday season is also coming. We all love to keep our houses beautiful in this season. So how can we keep our living room beautiful. I will explain the easiest decoration tips to you guys in this article.Choose a color palette and stick to it. Choose 2 or 3 accent colors that complement your furniture and wall colors, and choose accessories that match your color scheme.

The main color should appear at least 3 times in the room to really stand out. For example, if your seats are gray and the walls are white or beige, you can choose turquoise and yellow as accent colors. If most of your furniture is brown, you can choose warmer colors like burgundy and purple as accents. For small spaces, opt for light and warm neutral colors. Instead of using an accent color, choose a monochrome theme. For example, you can decorate your living room with neutral or blue tones.

Take inspiration from a piece of fabric or artwork in the room. Most artwork and fabrics are designed with color theory in mind, so they’re perfect for inspiring a theme. Pick 2-3 main colors from the item and think about why you like the style of that particular item. For example, you might have an old painting of an open field and a farm with a mix of greens, grays and light blues. You can create a rustic farmhouse theme with these colors as accents and this painting as the focal point of the room. Or use a favorite piece of furniture for inspiration. For example, base your room on a sofa with floral patterns and curved lines.

Apply a fresh coat of paint to coordinate with your new color palette. Start by choosing the most neutral color in your color scheme, such as beige, light gray, pale yellow, or light blue. Prime carefully, then paint all walls 2-3 coats in the color of your choice. If you don’t have much painting experience, consider hiring a professional to do the job. Try painting the room before you move the furniture in, or be sure to protect the furniture with a drop cloth or tarp.

If you know you will be living in your home for more than 5 years, feel free to experiment with bolder colors. Use a neutral paint color if you want a versatile space or like to change the decor frequently.

How to decorate a living room – Hang patterned wallpaper on a feature wall to tie the theme together

Wallpaper is a great way to draw attention to a certain area of the room. Choose from large, bold fonts that include 1 or 2 colors in your set, as well as neutrals like black, white, brown, or gray. You can also place the wallpaper in a corner or set back for a subtle effect. Very small wallpaper prints, like tiny flowers, can make a room seem smaller. Try to stick to prints that are over 0.30m and clearly visible from across the living room. When wallpapering, move slowly and carefully. If you don’t have experience hanging wallpaper, consider hiring a professional to do the job for you.

Choose a focal point for the room

Whether it’s a fireplace, artwork, entertainment center, or even a picturesque window, choose a location or orientation to make it the centerpiece of the room. You can then place furniture around this point. If your living room lacks character, make one! You can even use the coffee table as a focal point of the room to encourage conversation. It makes more sense to use the largest piece of furniture you own as a focal point. For example, hang a painting above the sofa and place cushions on it.

How to decorate a living room – Move most furniture away from the walls

Although it may seem like a good idea, don’t lean your sofa or chair against a wall. Instead, place the sofa or chairs around the center point of the room, with the back of the furniture facing away from the wall. The objective is to create a lounge area in the center of the space. As a general rule, place the seat at least 0.30 m away from the wall to make the room more inviting. Usually things like shelves are built against a wall so there is no problem putting them there.

How to decorate a living room – Leave room to pass between furniture

There’s nothing more frustrating than bumping into furniture while trying to move around a room. Leave at least 3 feet 0.91 m of space between all major pieces of furniture, such as sofas, and 18 inches 46 cm of space between small pieces of furniture, such as end tables.

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