How to darken existing window tint

We are here to show you “How to darken existing window tint?” What is this process? Usually when you are going to darken existing window hints, it makes the tint on windows darker than its current appear. You can do this with adding some extra layer on window. However this is a process that you can follow there are several methods. So, what are them? Stay tune with us and be aware. 

How to darken existing window tint?

How to darken existing window tint? We can give you there are several types of methods. In that case you are finding the permanent basis darken on your windows. So you should have a good awareness about the process. However we can give you some ideas for that process.

1] Add a tint film over the existing window

Our first method is adding a tint film over the existing window. In here as the first step, you should clean the window carefully using some cleaning solution. In that case you should have a clean window without any dust, dirt, or other things. After that you should measure the window because it will help to know the size correctly. 

After the above steps you should cut the correct size of tint film using a cutter or any other suitable cutting tool. after that it is time to spray the solution. Here you should apply film without bubbles after making the mixture with water and soap. Next you can apply the tint film slightly. You should be incredibly careful in this step. Next, trim the edges of the window and keep them to dry at least one day.

2] Wet sanding and polishing the existing window tint

This is our another method on “How to darken existing window tint?” In this process first you should clean the window using suitable cleaner and after that wet sand the tint. Here it may be good to use 2000 grit sandpaper and you should sand the tint in a circular motion. Never give too much pressure. When you pass the pressure limit, it will be a reason to damage the tint film.

However, after the above steps. you can rinse the windows using water to remove residue. Next, it is time to apply the polishing solution. Here you can apply it using a microfiber cloth and buff the windows with a soft buffing pad. You should do it also in a circular motion and remove any hazy. Finally keep the window to dry at least one day.

3] Replace the existing tint film

Here we are ready to replace the existing tint film with a darker one after removed the old tint. You can carefully remove old tint film using a razor or any other suitable one from you windows. After that lean your windows to remove all the dust, debris and fingerprints on the surfaces. Next you should measure the window and cut the correct size of tint film.  Next you can spray the solution and apply the tint film. These are the same as our first methods. So, you can keep it dry.

Can you put tint on top of tint?

While considering the question “How to darken existing window tint?” someone will ask that “can you put tint on top of tint?” So we can say “yes” But keep in mind always, this is not the best solution for to the existing tint on your window. It will not adhere properly with the existing tint. In this time, you may see the result of bubbles or any other imperfections.

Not only above things but we should note here, when you put tint on top of tint, you may face the difficult appearance while looking outside through the window. So, we think it is not a good result. Because of these risks we think that, it will be very useful remove the existing tint and after that replace the new one using our above guidelines.

Can you double layer window the tint?

From that question we mean that, can we apply the two layers of tint film on the windows. According to this question we think after apply the second layer, it will darker than the first one. As well as it will be slightly difficult process because it also can give bubbles on the surface. Therefore, you should do this process carefully.

As well as because of the two layers, you may have some difficult situations, when you see outside through the windows.Therefore we think, before you are going to tint double layer on windows or double tinted windows , you should consider more about these benefits and risks. Then you can select the best solution to darken existing window tint.

What are the benefits of darken existing window tint?

According to these points of views, we must consider that “what are the benefits of darken existing window tint?” Actually this process can increase privacy. It can make harder appearance for the outside people to see inside. As well as it can improve comfort while reducing the amount of sunlight inside. Further it will reduce the heat from outside.

When you darken existing window tint, it also will protect of interior of your vehicle fading. Sometimes sunlight will fade the windows. But if you give this solution for that, you can reduce the risk. While giving protection, it can enhance the appearance. It will give your vehicle a sleek. Furthermore, it is time to enhance the overall appearance.

How to darken existing window tint? Conclusion

We are solving the question “How to darken existing window tint?” from this article until now. So, we think now you have a good awareness about methods of darken existing window tint. Finally we suggest you from the above solutions, you can select the best solution. Then it will give you above all the benefits. However, of you have some question further, you can meet a professional worker to get the advice with this process.

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