Good place to put a tv in the living room

Good place to put a tv on the living room. Choose a focal point for your bedroom that reflects your personal taste. Choosing a focal point will help you better enjoy your room. Plus, it’s easier to organize your furniture around a focal point and also helps you create a more elegant look. To help you choose a focal point, decide how you most often use your living room. Here are some common focal points for a living room.

Good place to put a TV in the living room – place your furniture around its focal point

You should be able to see your focal point from any seat in your living room. Start by placing your sofa where it fits best. Then add your loveseat or extra seating, depending on what you own. Move the objects around until you are satisfied with their appearance. Let’s say your TV is the focal point. You can position your sofa in front of your TV with additional seating on each side of the sofa. Next, place your coffee table in front of the sofa. If your fireplace is the focal point, you can place your seats on opposite sides of the fireplace with your coffee table in the center.

If your focal point is a gallery wall, you can position your sofa facing the wall with additional seating on either side. Sit on each piece of furniture to make sure you can comfortably see your focal point. If not, adjust the arrangement as far as you can.

Leave all the rugs that you integrate into your decoration

An attractive area rug can add style to your living room and can also provide a comfortable space to play on the floor. Choose a large rug to expand your room. Place the front legs of your sofa and chairs on the rug if possible to unify the look. You can use a large area rug to cover most of your living room floor. If your rug is very large, place all of your furniture legs on it. Consider using an area rug to separate part of your room. For example, you can put a 5 by 7 rug in front of the corner of your TV to visually separate it from the rest of the room. Similarly, you can use a rug to delimit your children’s play area.

Place your coffee table and end tables if you have them. Once you know where your sofa and chairs will go, place your coffee table in the center of the sitting area. Next, place your side tables next to your seating area. Walk around the area to make sure you can get between the furniture. If you want to get creative, you can place your tables behind your sofa if the back of your seat faces an open space.

Designate a place where your children can play if you have them

Your family probably spends a lot of time together in the living room, so you may want to create a special play area for your children. It could be a special corner or a place separate from your living room. Consider placing toy bins near this area so your kids can easily get out and clean up their playthings. For example, you can put a nice rug in one corner and place a woven storage container near the rug for toys. As another option, you can designate the lower shelves of a floor-to-ceiling shelf for toys. Put fabric bins on the shelf so your kids can easily store their current favorites. Install floor and table lamps that you use for additional lighting. You may not need lamps in your living room. However, they can really brighten up your space and add to your style aesthetic. Place floor lamps in the corners or near your furniture. If you have table lamps, place them on your end tables. Turn on lights to make sure they don’t cast an annoying glare on your TV or other surfaces, like a mirror or window. If so, move them to another location.

Good place to put a TV in the living room – hide your electronic cables if they are visible

While there’s nothing wrong with having visible cables, they can be a nuisance to you if they’re too noticeable. Hide cords behind tall furniture or inside the wall if possible.  Alternatively, hide your cords in a decorative basket on the floor or on a shelf. As another option, you can cover them with fabric or twine. For example, you can wrap twine around the cord if it matches your decor. Similarly, you can cover your cables with fabric that matches the color of your wall or floor.

know your measurements

Matching the scale of furniture to the scale of a room is essential. A deep sectional sofa can easily dominate a small room, and slender chairs can get lost in an open loft. Before you start designing, measure the length and width of each room you want to decorate, as well as the height of the ceiling and any elements that might get in the way: stairs, columns, radiators and other obstacles. It’s also a good idea to measure your window openings, as well as the wall space below, above, and to the sides of each, to prepare your window coverings.

“The number one mistake most people make is buying things that aren’t the right size: sofas that don’t fit in the room, sofas that won’t fit through doorways, tables that are too small, oversized desks, side tables, nightstands hanging in the entryway,” said David Klein berg, founder of New York-based interior design firm David Kleinberg Design Associates. Carefully measuring your space can help avoid such problems.

Good place to put a tv in the living room – Create a floor plan

Once you have your room measurements, it’s time to use them with a floor plan that gives you a panoramic view of the whole house. “Every job should start with a floor plan,” said Alexa Hampton, president of Mark Hampton, the New York interior design firm founded by her father. “You have to know the space.”

One option is to draw a floor plan the old-fashioned way, with paper, pencil, and a ruler. However, most professional designers use drafting software like AutoCAD. Between these two extremes are apps that aim to make it easier for homeowners to create simple floor plans some even automate measurements with your smartphone camera, but check those numbers including Magicplan, Floor Plan Creator and RoomScan Pro.

Once you have the outline of the space, start experimenting with furniture placement, making sure the footprint of each piece is scaled to match the size of the drawing.

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