Basement light shaft – Explained

So what is basement light shaft.Every room in your home should have plenty of natural light. It will accentuate the beautiful character of your interior and instantly make any room more lively and joyful. Basements often don’t have enough sunlight. But they don’t always have to be dark and drab. We’ll explain how adding windows to your basement and choosing the right type of basement window can transform a dimly lit space into an aesthetically pleasing space you’ll want to spend every day.

Basement light shaft – Hopper window

Hopper windows are the perfect basement windows. Its size is perfect for partially raised basements. This small window is usually hinged at the bottom and swings all the way in and out of the house with an easy to-use lever.


A canopy window looks very similar to a bunker window, except that it is hinged at the top and opens completely to the exterior or exterior of the house. The most important benefit of adding hinged windows to your basement is that they can stay open no matter the weather outside. So you can still protect the room from rain by letting natural light into the basement and allowing the air to circulate. Hinged windows also have higher energy efficiency ratings than other types of basement windows.

Basement light shaft – sliding window

Sliding windows also make basement windows look great. You can easily open them by sliding the windows to the side to let in the morning light and cool breeze. A properly sized sliding window can also be a good exit window.

Casement window

So Casement windows swing outward on hinges in the same manner as doors. Casement windows are a great way to let in plenty of sunlight and ventilation into your basement. Ended. The Importance of Getting Out of Your Basement Windows. Say you want to add value to your property or make the most of your basement by converting it into a spare bedroom or profitable living space. You must have an exit window as required by the National Building Code of Canada.

Exit windows are large openings that should be used as emergency exits in an emergency. Bedrooms and basement living spaces must have at least one exit window that is at least 5.7 square feet, 20 inches wide, and 24 inches high, with an opening no more than 44 inches above the ground. In some cases, you may also need to install an exit window. Which is U-shaped or rectangular lined, lined with corrugated iron or plastic, or anchored in concrete. Exit window wells are designed to protect your basement from potential soil erosion. And are often also equipped with drainage to prevent puddles and flooding. Sheer curtains are also provided to keep debris and rain out.

  • Like skylights, exit window wells are a great source of natural light and air circulation in the basement.

Other Ways to Decorate Your Basement

Besides installing windows in your basement. There are other cool and fun ways to add more light to your basement. Here are some examples.

Use a mirror

Placing mirrors in strategic locations is a smart strategy to reflect light in your basement. For example, hanging a large mirror on the wall opposite your basement window will double the amount of natural light coming from it.

Purchasing decor and furniture with elements of glass, chrome or mirrors in the design will also work wonders. Maximizing the use of natural or artificial light and improving the overall aesthetics of the room.

Choose an all-white wall

Painting your basement white is the easiest design trick you can use to make it look bigger, brighter, and more attractive. Immaculate white walls are perfect for reflecting or capturing natural and artificial light. It can also serve as a neutral and stylish backdrop for various interior design themes or patterns you want to use in your basement.

keep an open floor plan

Keeping an open floor plan allows both natural and artificial light into the space. Room dividers will not only limit the space in the basement. They will also block sunlight from entering through the basement windows.

  • Elegant open basement with pedestal windows and white walls

Install solar tubes or solar tubes

Solar tubes, also known as solar tubes or solar tunnels, are designed to direct natural light into a home. The tube is equipped with a series of mirrors that help light get inside. Solar ducts are usually installed on roofs or exterior walls. For basements, they can be placed on the wall section above the floor.

Basement light shaft – glass door

Opting for large glass doors can also increase the amount of natural light your basement receives. As mentioned above, glass has glossy reflective properties that amplify light. Basement light shaft. In addition to brightening your basement, you can add style to your interior with elegant sliding glass doors.

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